Wake-up lights


| Posted in , | Posted on 5:18 PM

Wake-up lights are based on a clever idea. They simulate a natural sunrise by gradually increasing the light in the morning. The light will increase for 30 minutes before you wake up. In theory, your body will react to the light and make you less sleepy.

This is an advantage especially in winter when there's not enough natural light. I also think you can sense the light through your sleep and mentally prepare for waking up.

Philips has a couple of really cool wake-up lights. Philips HF3480 is the basic model which has FM radio and 4 nature sounds. It looks sleek and it can also be used as light. Philips HF3490 is an advanced model with iPod dock so you can play your favourite music at morning.

According to Amazon's reviews some find the light very helpful in the morning, while others don't feel any more energetic. It depends on the person and the conditions the light is used in. Both wake-up lights are still good alarm clocks.

Puzzle Alarm Clock


| Posted in , | Posted on 5:05 PM

This alarm clock tries to force you into thinking a bit before turning off the alarm. When the alarm goes off the clock will shoot three pieces of different shapes and colours into the air. Your job is to assemble them back to the clock to turn the alarm off. This supposedly reduces the risk of going back to bed.

Available from Amazon for about $20.

Cool Alarm Clock Concepts


| Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:27 PM

These are some interesting concepts for alarm clocks. They are not available for purchase, although I'm sure each of them would have a market.

Carpet Alarm Clock

Carpet Alarm Clock designed by Sofie Collin & Gustav Lanberg is a small mat with some clever electronics. The design is simple: to turn the alarm off you need to step on to the carpet. ...Which requires you to get up from bed.

The carpet has a lcd clock. I guess it could easily have a scale too.

Source: GeekSugar.

The Glo Pillow

The Glo Pillow concept from 2007 resembles those gradually brightening wake-up lights. In this concept the light comes from the pillow. The pillow uses a LED fabric under the pillow cover, even capable of showing the time.

The light starts to brighten 40 minutes before the alarm, gently stimulating your brain to start up.

Source: talk2myShirt


Silence is a concept of Johan Brengesjö's. It's basically a rubber ring you wear at night. At morning, the ring will vibrate and gently wake you up.

A shake of hand will activate snoozing. However, each snooze requires a larger movement of your hand, eventually forcing you to wake up.

This design is very handy because the alarm won't wake up your spouse or the neighbors. Some of us require a 100dB alarm to come back from the feather islands, but a vibrating ring might also work.

The Silence Alarm Clock won a silver medal at IDEA '08 awards.

Clocky will run away from you


| Posted in , | Posted on 8:19 PM

Photo by mahalie.

Simply put: Clocky is an alarm clock with wheels. Wheels for what? For running away from in the morning!

Clocky will let you snooze one time, and one time only. After that it hops to the floor, starts rolling around and makes a very annoying sound. You are forced to get up from bed, find the clock and push a button to make it stop.

Buy Clocky from Amazon

Do you have this? Tell your experiences in the comments!